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Star of the Week


Beginning the month of October, we will add a new activity to our class curriculum.  Each and every student will have the opportunity to be “Star of the Week.”  As each child takes turns being a star, each will be in charge of putting together a poster that highlights their life and will gives us an opportunity to get to know each other better.  



The Star of the Week Poster must include the following:


Star of the Week and Child's Name
A Current Picture of the Child
A Baby Picture
Family Picture
Favorite Things to Do
Pictures or Drawings
Favorite Things to Eat
Pictures or Drawings
Family Tradition
Pictures or Drawings
Any Other Pictures:
Friends, special talents, places you visited, pets, etc.

Each poster should be designed and decorated according to each child’s ability and personal style.  It is encouraged for each child to write a brief caption under each picture!


The poster will be due Monday morning of the week the child is expected to be the "Star"


As each child has the opportunity to be the “Star of the Week,” they will also have the opportunity to bring to class their favorite toy (Tuesday), favorite book (Wednesday), and favorite music (sending me and email with the name of their favorite song on Thursday - songs must be child friendly and appropriate for the classroom). 

We will celebrate our shining star on Friday by dancing to their favorite tune.  


I hope each and everyone of you enjoys this fun activity and a look forward to enjoying the shining stars.

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